Results for 'Ferry Fadzlul Rahman'

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  1. Study of depression, anxiety, and social media addiction among undergraduate students.Tuan Hai Nguyen, Kuan-Han Lin, Ferry Fadzlul Rahman, Jenho-Peter Ou & Wing-Keung Wong - 2020 - Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences 23 (4):257-276.
    This paper studies the connection between social media addiction and mental disorder from the existing investigation among undergraduate students. A comprehensive document search was conducted by using six electronic databases, including PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, JSTOR, ProQuest Education to identify articles published before November 21st, 2019. All collected papers focused on studying social media addiction and psychosis. Two reviewers individualistically evaluated the quality of the study by using the Joanna Briggs Institute’s approach. Five articles were filtered out through (...)
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  2. An exploration of hospitality management competencies in Turkey through content analysis of the job ads.Rahman Temizkan & Orhan Yabanci - 2017 - İsletme Arastirmalari Dergisi 9 (4):215-227.
    This paper reports on the hospitality management competencies required to be assigned to a management position in Turkey. The study found out a number of competencies with top priority ranging from 82.1 to 21.4 percent extracted from job ads on the most browsed career websites in Turkey by employing a content analysis as the research method. These core competencies were delineated in the five domains of Sandwith’s Competency Domain Model in order to discover how they pertained to the theory. The (...)
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  3. Globalization and Transformation : State, Ideas, and Economic Policy in Bangladesh.A. S. M. Mostafizur Rahman - 2024 - Dissertation, Heidelberg University
    Understanding the policymaking process in an emerging economy in the global south, such as Bangladesh, holds significant importance. The country's remarkable socio-economic development, once the most impoverished in the region, has been facilitated by post-globalization economic transformation. While the literature on institutional change has predominantly focused on states in industrialist countries, this dissertation presents an innovative theoretical approach. It deeply explores primary case materials to illustrate how the state engages in policy evolution in a developing country's gradual shift from the (...)
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  4. The Collective Construction of Technology: Re-Narrating Bicycle Development in an ANT Atmosphere.Rahman Sharifzadeh - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (6):759-772.
    One way to compare different theoretical approaches to the study of technologies is to see what the difference is between their narratives of the construction of a particular technology. In this paper, we re-narrate the bicycle construction from the perspective of actor-network theory (ANT), comparing to SCOT’s first account of the construction. Although SCOT has moved closer to actor-network theory later by paying more attention to co-construction and materliaty, Pinch and Biker have not modified their account of the bicycle development (...)
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  5. A new path for humanistic medicine.Juliette Ferry-Danini - 2018 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (1):57-77.
    According to recent approaches in the philosophy of medicine, biomedicine should be replaced or complemented by a humanistic medical model. Two humanistic approaches, narrative medicine and the phenomenology of medicine, have grown particularly popular in recent decades. This paper first suggests that these humanistic criticisms of biomedicine are insufficient. A central problem is that both approaches seem to offer a straw man definition of biomedicine. It then argues that the subsequent definition of humanism found in these approaches is problematically reduced (...)
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  6. Sketsa Sejarah Filsafat Indonesia (2nd Printing).Ferry Hidayat - 2022 - Batang, Central Java: Tazakka Press.
    This is the second printing of the same book with the same title published in 2005, explaining chronologically Indonesian philosophers and Indonesian philosophical thoughts developed in Indonesia from 3500 BCE through 1998 CE.
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  7. Visualizations of Philosophical Cross-cultural Interaction and Influence in A Globalized World.Ferry Hidayat - 2024 - Prajna Vihara 25 (1):1-35.
    While the process of influence between various cultural and historical traditions in philosophy has been taking place for thousands of years, this inter-cultural interaction is occurring at a more accelerated pace in the information age. While philosophers throughout history have used visual representations to understand philosophical influence and historical origins and the distribution of philosophical ideas and sub-disciplines, this paper stresses the importance of philosophical visualizations to represent the global interactivity of philosophy. It provides various visualizations to represent global philosophical (...)
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  8. A Review of Philosophy of Arkān (basic constituents) in the Formation of Universe and Life in Contemporary Era.Azizur Rahman, Wasim Ahmad, Mohd Zulkifle & G. Sofi - manuscript
    ABSTRACT The theory and concept of Unani system of medicine is based on logic and philosophy. Hence, its foundations were exclusively laid on observation and reasoning. So, the proper understanding, comprehension and discernment of Unani system of medicine are purely based on the understanding of traditional logic and philosophy. Now in this scientific era Unani fundamentals are also required to be comprehended in the light of contemporary sciences. The present paper is an effort towards the understanding of basic precursors of (...)
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  9. Exploring the Role of Dialectic in Anaximander’s Philosophy.Rahman Hamidur - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Religion 56:24-29.
    Dialectic has been a fundamental part of philosophy since the time of Anaximander, which is a method of argumentation and reasoning. Anaximander’s thought is deeply rooted in the Milesian school of philosophy, where philosophers used dialectic to explore and explain life and the world. This philosophical method focuses on the idea of opposites and how they interact and influence each other to create a more complete understanding of the ideas. The presence of dialectic in Anaximander’s philosophy is evident in his (...)
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  10. Defining medical humanism beyond empathy.Juliette Ferry-Danini - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie 4 (84).
    Empathy is often described as a virtue which that could help in making medicine more humanistic. This paper argues that there are two limits to this thesis. First, it is unclear whether a lack of empathy can be attributed to the biomedical education. Second, empathy itself is not without issues, and another concept, compassion, can be put forward instead. Humanism based on compassion is more minimalist, but integrated with an approach focused on health systems, it makes humanism more tangible and (...)
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  11. The Man Has Become The 5th Ape by effect of The Copernican System.Rahman Faisal - manuscript
    The experiments in Quantum mechanics says the subatomic reality is subjective. The author argues that the large scale universe is also subjective. The Ptolemaic universe is complementary of the Copernican universe. In a previous reality the universe was Ptolemaic and the man was son of Adam , but when man observed the heavens with telescopes the reality shifted , it has become Copernican. The Copernican universe contains heliolatry inside it . This heliolatry forces man to become sons of the apes.
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  12. Syed Abdul Malik: His Life and Works.Mahbubur Rahman - 2013 - Pratidhwani the Echo (II):04-07.
    Syed Abdul Malik (1919-2000) was an uncrowned emperor of Assamese literature. He started his literary career in the early forties and enriched Assamese literature with short stories, novels, poetry and other writings spanning over five decades. In terms of statistics of fictional work, Syed Abdul Malik was unrivalled. No other writer has contributed so extensively towards the growth of Assamese literature as he did. Malik’s contribution to Assamese literature, particularly in the sphere of novel and short story, is indeed noteworthy. (...)
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  13. La médecine et ses humanismes.Juliette Ferry-Danini & Élodie Giroux - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie 83 (4):5-12.
    Plusieurs aspects du modèle biopsychosocial promeuvent une approche humaniste en médecine. Cependant, Engel a explicitement rejeté un humanisme médical qui s’opposerait à la science. En adoptant une approche fondée sur la science des systèmes pour étudier les êtres humains, la santé et la maladie, Engel défend une approche scientifique pour améliorer la qualité des soins cliniques, ou autrement dit, une approche qui se prête à un examen scientifique de cette question.
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  14. Should phenomenological approaches to illness be wary of naturalism?Juliette Ferry-Danini - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 73:10-18.
    In some quarters within philosophy of medicine, more particularly in the phenomenological approaches, naturalism is looked upon with suspicion. This paper argues, first, that it is necessary to distinguish between two expressions of this attitude towards naturalism: phenomenological approaches to illness disagree with naturalism regarding various theoretical claims and they disapprove of naturalism on an ethical level. Second, this paper argues that both the disagreement with and the disapproval of naturalism are to a large extent confused. It then offers some (...)
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  15. On Budaya and the Re-sacralization of Indonesian Cultural Anthropology (2nd edition).Ferry Hidayat - 2020 - Prajna Vihara 21:1-32.
    The Indonesian concept of budaya and its derivatives such as budi, budidaya, kebudayaan, budiman, budi pekerti, as well as budayawan were sacred concepts long ago. However, with the emergence of Cultural Anthropology by Indonesian anthropologists from the 1960s onwards, the concept of budaya became desacralized. Its desacralization started when budaya was construed as culture by Indonesian cultural anthropologists, and Ilmu-Ilmu Budaya was interpeted as the Humanities. This paper explores the sacred concept of budaya prior to the emergence of the Cultural (...)
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  16. On the Struggle for Recognition of Southeast Asian and Regional Philosophy.Ferry Hidayat - 2015 - Prajna Vihara 16 (2):35-52.
    World philosophies are gradually gaining in recognition. Today, philosophers in Southeast Asia can freely construct their regional philosophies without philosophical tyranny of the West. However, this situation has not come so easily. Many Asian and African philosophies have experienced a struggle for acceptance. And even this recognition is limited by selectivity and philosophical fashion centered in Western academia and perpetuated by Western educated eastern intellectuals. This paper attempts to show how regional philosophy in general and Southeast Asian philosophy in particular (...)
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  17. Mempopulerkan Filsafat Indonesia ke Dunia.Ferry Hidayat - 2005 - Bina Widya 16 (2):180-191.
    Not only does tradition of abstract thought called ‘philosophy’ exist in Indonesia, but it also has taken deep root. Through linguistic-morphological and historical studies, traces of possible existence of the philosophical tradition in Indonesia could be found out. Nevertheless, many still doubt its existence, since popular mass media have not yet popularized the designation of the thought tradition taking place in Indonesia. What is more, today’s philosophers have not yet formulated its accurate definition. Consequently, young generation of Indonesia has not (...)
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  18. Towards Islamic Anthropology in An Indonesian Context: A Perennialist Epistemological Perspective.Ferry Hidayat - 2015 - In Proceeding of The Second International Conference Thoughts on Human Sciences in Islam (IC-THUSI) 2015. Jakarta: Sadra Press, Sadra International Institute. pp. 327-339.
    This study outlines a new proposal on the creation of Islamic Anthropology on the basis of "perennialist epistemology", to use Aslan's term (2005:55). A previous proposal of this kind had been put forward by Akbar S. Ahmed in his Toward Islamic Anthropology: Definition, Dogma and Directions (1986). While Ahmed's proposed Islamic Anthropology aims at assessing and arguing with Western anthropologists over their misconceptions about Islamic societies they observe, then preparing and replying to their study in a scholarly manner by "creating (...)
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  19. Can White Americans Include Colors in Their Canon? Searching a Post-National History of American Philosophy.Ferry Hidayat - 2022 - Rubikon 9:119-133.
    Racism in the USA not only takes place in law, economics, politics, mass media and new media, education, literature, and popular culture but also occurs in philosophy. An abundance of Latino philosophers, African-American philosophers, and Native American philosophers are excluded from the American philosophy canon. To discover whether racism happens in the field of American philosophy, the writer surveys 15 American philosophy books written between the 1940s and the 2020s by various American writers, the whites and the non-whites. The writer (...)
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  20. Escape from the Cold War Mindset to Set Up a Post-Cold War History of Philosophy.Ferry Hidayat - 2022 - Proceeding of 10Th International Conference on Nusantara Philosophy (Icnp).
    In the pre-Independence era, our republic founders held the Cold War mindset strongly. Consequently, the Indonesian republic proclaimed in 1945 was based on a Cold War mindset; our state philosophy (Pancasila) and the Constitution (UUD '45) were understood and construed on the Cold War discourse basis; and binary oppositions of capitalism-socialism and liberalism-communism since then have been created. Up to the 2020s, the Cold War mindset has still been held by public intellectuals and the binary oppositions have still been rampant (...)
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  21. Argumen Morfologis-Linguistik tentang Keberadaan Tradisi Filsafat Indonesia.Ferry Hidayat - 2005 - Bina Widya 17 (2).
    Dalam tulisan Mempopulerkan Filsafat Indonesia ke Dunia (Majalah Ilmiah Bina Widya Vol.16, No.2, Agustus 2005), penulis telah menggunakan dua pendekatan untuk menjawab soal ‘adakah tradisi filsafat di Indonesia?’, yang salah satunya ialah pendekatan morfologi linguistik. Sebagai suatu cabang ilmu linguistik yang mempelajari kata-kata (words) dan bagian-bagiannya (word parts) seperti morfem (morpheme) dan leksem (lexeme), kategori semantik dan kategori gramatikal yang dimiliki keduanya, aturan ucap dan perubahan ucap dalam kombinasi keduanya, serta hubungan antar-kata dalam kalimat, morfologi linguistik amat berguna dalam kaitannya (...)
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  22. Return to The Cosmic Adat to Solve The Chaotic Present.Ferry Hidayat - 2005 - Bina Widya 16 (3):249-260.
    Saat Indonesia menghadapi krisis multi-dimensi sejak era akhir rezim Soeharto, banyak pakar, cendekiawan, serta kalangan intelektual dari dalam maupun luar negeri yang mencoba menemukan solusi dan jalan keluarnya. Setiap pakar menemukan obat mujarab 'krisis' itu berdasarkan kompetensi dan ekspertisi masing-masing. Pakar agama mengajukan 'pertobatan nasional' sebagai solusi, sementara pakar sosio-politik mengajukan 'reformasi', 'revolusi', atau 'transformasi'. Semuanya melandasi alternatif pilihannya dengan argumentasi masing-masing pula. Kali ini penulis ingin mengajukan suatu alternatif jalan-keluar, yang dengannya diharapkan Indonesia mampu keluar dari krisis multi-dimensi itu. (...)
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  23. Filsafat Kok Menjajah: Suatu Kajian Politik Filsafat.Ferry Hidayat - 2019 - In Prosiding Simposium Filsafat Politik dan Anti Politik. Jakarta: Masyarakat Filsafat Indonesia (MFI), Program Studi Falsafah dan Agama, Universitas Paramadina, Jakarta. pp. 216-227.
    Filsafat bukanlah seperti yang selama ini dipahami dan dimengerti. Ia bukanlah satu disiplin berpikir, apalagi asketisme bernalar, yang kedap-politis. Nyatanya, filsafat lahir dari silang-sengkarut politis antar-filsafat dalam momen dan ruang historis yang terus berubah. Filsafat sang pemenang (philosophy of the dominator) akan mengangkangi dan menjajah filsafat sang kalah (philosophy of the dominated). Kajian politis atas filsafat-filsafat dunia masih terbilang jarang, untuk tidak mengatakan belum pernah ada. Termasuk kajian yang jarang tersebut adalah kajian yang ditulis Enrique Dussel (lahir 1934). Dalam buku (...)
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  24. An empirical study on using visual metaphors in visualization.Rita Borgo, Alfie Abdul-Rahman, Mohamed Farhan, Philip W. Grant, Irene Reppa, Luciano Floridi & Min Chen - 2012 - IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 18 (12):2759-2768.
    In written and spoken communications, metaphors are often used as an aid to help convey abstract or less tangible concepts. However, the benefits of using visual metaphors in visualization have so far been inconclusive. In this work, we report an empirical study to evaluate hypotheses that visual metaphors may aid memorization, visual search and concept comprehension. One major departure from previous metaphor-related experiments in the literature is that we make use of a dual-task methodology in our experiment. This design offers (...)
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  25. Collecting human remains in nineteenth-century Paris: the case of the Société Anatomique de Paris and the Musée Dupuytren.Juliette Ferry-Danini - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (4):1-25.
    This paper describes the scientific practices of the anatomists from the Société Anatomique de Paris (1803–1873) who were collecting anatomical and pathological specimens in Nineteenth-Century Paris and which led to the building of the anatomy and pathology Musée Dupuytren (1835–2016). The framework introduced by Robert Kohler to describe collecting sciences (2007) is useful as a tool to identify the set of diverse practices within pathological anatomy in nineteenth-century Paris. However, I will argue that anatomy and pathology collecting had specific features (...)
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  26. An empirical study on using visual embellishments in visualization.Rita Borgo, Alfie Abdul-Rahman, Farhan Mohamed, Philip W. Grant, Irene Reppa, Luciano Floridi & Men Chin - 2012 - IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 18 (12):2759–2768.
    In written and spoken communications, figures of speech (e.g., metaphors and synecdoche) are often used as an aid to help convey abstract or less tangible concepts. However, the benefits of using rhetorical illustrations or embellishments in visualization have so far been inconclusive. In this work, we report an empirical study to evaluate hypotheses that visual embellishments may aid memorization, visual search and concept comprehension. One major departure from related experiments in the literature is that we make use of a dual-task (...)
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  27. Is co-management a double-edged sword in the protected areas of Sundarbans mangrove?Md Mizanur Rahman - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (1):1-22.
    The overall objective of the study was to examine the pros and cons of the participatory approach adopted in natural resource management in the ecologically protected areas of the Sundarbans mangrove of Bangladesh. A comparative study was done between the people who are involved and non-involved in this approach. Empirical data was collected through personal interviews with a structured questionnaire. The Gini coefficient was measured first and then embedded with the Lorenz curve to draw a line between perfect equality and (...)
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  28. La médecine narrative face à l’impossible singularité des récits.Juliette Ferry-Danini - 2020 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 2 (7):1-6.
    Selon l’une des thèses les plus répétées de la médecine narrative, la théorie littéraire, ou plus largement, la narration, permettrait aux membres du personnel médical d’appréhender les récits des patients et par là, de prendre en considération leurs expériences dans leur singularité absolue. Dans ma contribution, je soulignerai quelques limites de cette thèse. J’appuierai mon analyse sur un exemple de récit dominant de maladie, les récits portant sur le cancer du sein aux États-Unis au XXe siècle, à partir des analyses (...)
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  29. Antropologi Sakral: Kritik atas Cara Antropologi Kultural Memahami Adat (2nd edition).Ferry Hidayat - 2023 - Batang, Central Java: Tazakka Press.
    This is the second edition of the book with the same title, criticizing Cultural Anthropology approaches employed by Cultural Anthropologists to understand Indonesian adats and suggesting a new approach, i.e. perennialist approach to understand the adats well.
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  30. Pengantar Teori-Teori Filsafat (Edisi Kedua) (2nd edition).Ferry Hidayat - 2023 - Batang, Central Java: Tazakka Press.
    This is the second edition of the book with the same title, covering theories of philosophical traditions of the world, including African philosophy, Asian philosophy, Indonesian philosophy, American philosophy, Continental philosophy, Analytical philosophy from diverse branches of philosophy.
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  31. L’humanisme médical au-delà de l’empathie.Juliette Ferry-Danini - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie 83 (4):103-120.
    Une médecine plus humaniste serait une médecine où les professionnels de santé feraient preuve de plus d’empathie envers leurs patients. Or s’il est difficile d’attester un déclin de l’empathie en médecine en l’attribuant au modèle biomédical, l’empathie n’est pas sans défaut. Cela ne signifie pas la mort de l’humanisme médical. Il est possible de le faire reposer sur un concept minimal de compassion et de lui intégrer une approche basée sur les systèmes de santé. L’humanisme ainsi défendu n’est plus empathique, (...)
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  32. Ibn Ḥazm on Heteronomous Imperatives and Modality. A Landmark in the History of the Logical Analysis of Norms.Shahid Rahman, Farid Zidani & Walter Young - 2022 - London: College Publications, ISBN 978-1-84890-358-6, pp. 97-114., 2021.: In C. Barés-Gómez, F. J. Salguero and F. Soler (Ed.), Lógica Conocimiento y Abduccción. Homenaje a Angel Nepomuceno..
    The passionate and staunch defence of logic of the controversial thinker Ibn Ḥazm, Abū Muḥammad ʿAlī b. Aḥmad b. Saʿīd of Córdoba (384-456/994-1064), had lasting consequences in the Islamic world. Indeed, his book Facilitating the Understanding of the Rules of Logic and Introduction Thereto, with Common Expressions and Juristic Examples (Kitāb al-Taqrīb li-ḥadd al-manṭiq wa-l-mudkhal ilayhi bi-l-alfāẓ al-ʿāmmiyya wa-l-amthila al-fiqhiyya), composed in 1025-1029, was well known and discussed during and after his time; and it paved the way for the studies (...)
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  33. De la collecte à la collection : le cas croisé de la collection Dupuytren et de la Société d’anatomie de Paris au XIXe siècle.Juliette Ferry-Danini - 2023 - In Claire Crignon, Julie Cheminaud & Danielle Seilhean, La collection Dupuytren, entre art et science.
    Aujourd’hui délaissées, parfois devenues gênantes, les collections médicales furent pourtant à l’avant-garde du renouveau de la médecine au début du XIXe siècle, avant que celle-ci ne devienne la médecine telle que nous la connaissons aujourd’hui. Selon une vision courante de l’histoire de la médecine, les collections médicales auraient perdu de leur utilité lorsque la médecine a accédé au statut de science expérimentale, les musées d’anatomie faisant alors place aux laboratoires. Les collections d’anatomie-pathologie comme le musée Dupuytren ne seraient que le (...)
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  34. Suicide in Patients with Dementia.Md Sazedur Rahman - 2018 - Open Access Journal ofGerontology and Geriatric Medicine 3 (4):1-2.
    Suicide is a major public health issue in many industrialized countries. It is one of the top ten causes of death and older age is a significant risk factor for suicide. For example, in Japan older adults (age ≥ 65) shared about 18.5% of total population but account for 24% of all suicide, in Taiwan, older adults representing 12.4% of the total population and account for 28.9% of suicide death. Dementia is a broad term for a progressive deterioration in memory (...)
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  35. Occupational injuries among children in Bangladesh.Md Sazedur Rahman - 2018 - International Research Journal of Social Sciences 7 (10):17-20.
    The specific objects are to know the source of income and employment status of the children at work, to investigate the types of injury that affect the working child of the child laborer and to explore the hazardous work places and abuse of the working children. The study conducted with the secondary data of Bangladesh Labor Force Survey (ILO), 2013. SPSS software were used for finding the result. It is found that the predominating income source of the working child was (...)
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  36. Philosophy of Science and Scientific Whaling: Lost in Translation.Mohammad Rubaiyat Rahman - manuscript
    Through discussing scientific whaling, the paper brings the necessity of retrieving natural philosophy. The paper’s arguments favor an expanded vision of human encounter with nature, through the lens of natural philosophy, with a priority focus of expanding our imaginations to embrace the vast natural world. -/- There is no doubt that both the philosophy and science, two of the three significant areas of cultural and intellectual engagement (the other one is religion), have gone through changes over time. It is also (...)
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  37. Integrating Banjar Traditional Design Into Architecture of The Modern Public Park.Eka Andyka Wilis Lipaldy & Akbar Rahman - 2023 - Paragraphs Environmental Design 1:20-26.
    Among the main components of a smart city, the modern public space plays a vital and core role in the transition towards a friendly lifestyle. However, urban planning and design guidelines in many countries’ practices have radically transformed without cultural preservation purpose. Therefore, it is necessary to design public space with local cultural wisdom demonstrated as renewable criteria considered a sustainable public space solution for smart cities. This may improve places, increasing prosperity and extending expectations of modernization in many cities. (...)
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  38. The Doctrine of Double Effect and Medical Ethics: A New Formulation.Sharifzadeh Rahman - 2022 - Ethics in Progress 13 (2):42-56.
    The standard version of the doctrine of double effect, a significant doctrine in applied ethics particularly medical ethics, not only fails to capture some morally significant components of Aquinas’ view, but it does not resort to proper complementary features in order to accommodate the doctrine to our moral intuitions. We attempt to offer a new formulation of the doctrine incorporating the main components of Aquinas’ view and also to extend the view using some complementary features. We will examine the strength (...)
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  39. The Absurdity of Infinity and The Beginning of The Universe.Atikur Rahman - manuscript
    One of the common claims of the eternalists is that the "actual" infinite is possible and the universe is eternal. They are trying to refute the Kalam argument. What I wanted to show in this paper is that the "actual" infinite is impossible for logical reasons, and I have shown further that infinity has an effect and application over time, and that there is no way to deny the beginning of the universe for existence. The paper points out the problems (...)
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  40. An Evaluation of Homology as Evidence for Evolution.Atikur Rahman - manuscript
    Biology has improved a lot over the centuries. The success of developmental biology is huge in every field of physiology, anatomy, paleontology, embryology. The term homology has not been used in biology for a long time. The need for homology in biology is understandable. I have discussed in this paper the necessity of homology in the field of biology and argued that it is unreasonable to refer to homology as evidence of Darwinism, both philosophically and biologically. This paper evaluates homology (...)
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  41. Revisiting the Aged-based Educational Ideas of Plato.Hamidur Rahman - 2023 - International Journal of Arts and Humanities Studies 3 (3):01-07.
    Education is crucial to the overall development of all communities. Since the early days of Greek philosophy, philosophers have made significant contributions to the advancement of education for both individuals and the states. Greek philosophers, notably Plato, emphasized the importance and relevance of education for his conceptual ideal state. His educational ideas were rooted in his philosophy, notably idealism, and it continues to have a great effect, particularly on education. Idealism focuses on ideas and believes that genuine knowledge can be (...)
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  42. Gambling with humanity at sea: states' legislative and policy responses to irregular migration in the Indian Ocean.Mohammad Rubaiyat Rahman - 2021 - Journal of the Indian Ocean Region 17 (3):306-322.
    It cannot be overstated that in recent times the gravity and complexity of irregular maritime migration have triggered concerns and debates in the academic domains of International Relations and International Law. The article examines how states’ compliance with, and enforcement of, international law and legal norms would tackle the challenges of irregular migration in the Indian Ocean region. The legislative and policy challenges regarding irregular migration can be analyzed under two segments. First, there is a lack of comprehensive discussion about (...)
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  43. Theological Determinism & Free Will: A Philosophical Approach.Atikur Rahman & Mahia Tabassum Tamim - manuscript
    Theological determinism challenges Free Will, an important part of the theistic view. Determinants claim that free will is incompatible with God's omniscience and that God is responsible for everything that happens. I argue in this paper that so-called theological determinism never denies free will and that free will is compatible with God's omniscience.
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  44. Child labor in the Era of Sustainable Development: insights from Jhenaidah City of Bangladesh.Md Ashfikur Rahman, Md Sazedur Rahman, Md Ashraful Alam, Mahamudul Hasan & Md Imtiaz Hasan Rahul - 2019 - International Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education 3 (2):137-149.
    The existence of child labor in developing countries like Bangladesh is undoubtedly a serious problem in the era of sustainable development. Undoubtedly to abolish child labor from all level is not so easy. The current study was intended to assess the livelihoods pattern and causes of being involved as child labor in Jhenaidah city-Bangladesh and to find out the ways in which child labor can be diminished gradually. This study was exploratory in nature where convenience sampling was adapted, seventy-five children (...)
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  45. Significance and Brewing Challenges of Civil Society in Affiliating Sustainable Groundwater Resource Governance: Experiences and Perceptions of Bangladesh.Mohammad Rubaiyat Rahman - 2018 - International Journal of Legal Studies and Research (Special Issue):63-82.
    Water is regarded as indefeasible necessity of human civilization. In the South Asia region, the groundwater resource is poised as essence of life, security and development. Bangladesh is not an exception from that. Due to scarcity as well as disproportionate availability of surface water supply, the groundwater resource is veered into vital source to undergird heavy demand of water supply for livelihoods, industrial and agricultural purposes. Considering these, the groundwater resource governance is crucial since it is the mainstay of upholding (...)
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  46. Contributing Factors to Under-Five Child Malnutrition in Rural Bangladesh.Md Sazedur Rahman, Mohammad Ali & N. A. M. Faisal Ahmed - 2017 - Juniper Publishers Juniper Online Journal of Case Studies 4 (1):1-4.
    Background and objectives: Bangladesh has the highest malnutrition rates in the world. The main objective of this study is to identify and determine the main factors for child malnutrition among children under the age 5 years in rural Bangladesh. -/- Material and methods: This research was conducted in rural areas at Meherpur district in Bangladesh. Convenience sampling method is used and 85 under 5 child information is collected through a structured questionnaire. The information’s of child’s are gathered from the mothers (...)
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  47. Quest for 'What is Law in South Asia'.Mohammad Rubaiyat Rahman - 2012 - Law and Our Rights.
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  48. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Fear of Falling among Elderly: A Review.Md Sazedur Rahman - 2018 - Medical Journal of Clinical Trials and Case Studies 2 (11):1-6.
    The world population is aging rapidly. Fear of falling among the elderly constitute a significant problem in health care. Among community-dwelling elderly, fear of falling is frequent, with prevalence ranging from 3% to 85% % in community-based epidemiologic studies. The aim of this review is to reveal the prevalence and risk factors of fear of falling (FOF) among elderly. The review has identified that age, sex, physical performance, comorbidity, a history of falls, hearing impairment, poor self-related health and depressive symptoms (...)
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  49. Sharing Economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.Aleksandra Figurek & Rahman Nurković - 2021 - In Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte & Gabriela Avram, The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives. Limerick: University of Limerick. pp. 67-74.
    From the studies conducted, it may be seen in 2018 that the driving force behind the sharing economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina are not small entities that come together to use their spare capacity and gain some economic benefit from others. In the past several years, a set of legal reforms has been established for aspects of labour, taxes, and consumer protection in a collaborative economy. Recognising the potential, the Council of Ministers in Bosnia and Herzegovina also wants to introduce (...)
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  50. ANN for Predicting Temperature and Humidity in the Surrounding Environment.Abd Al-Rahman Shawwa, Saji Al-Absi, Khaled Hassanein & Bastami Bashhar - 2017 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 9 (2):1-5.
    Abstract: In this research, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was developed and tested to predict temperature in the surrounding environment. A number of factors were identified that may affect temperature or humidity. Factors such as the nature of the surrounding place, proximity or distance from water surfaces, the influence of vegetation, and the level of rise or fall below sea level, among others, as input variables for the ANN model. A model based on multi-layer concept topology was developed and (...)
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